Monday, April 20, 2009

I don't know what to title.

Rules to the tag:

1) List these rules on your blog
2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog
3) Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4) Tag some friends at the end of your blog post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs

Seven facts about me:

1) Aku hitam. So what?

2) I play guitar tapi still amatur.

3) My curly hair is original. Tanak pecaya sudah. Go fuck your granny.

4) Aku seorang yang messy and lazy.

5) Aku sayang kawan2 aku. Sangat.
You mess with them, that means you are messing with me.
6) Aku tade muscle. Tahi betul.

7) I fart at all times. Hehe. And they usually, damn nasty. X)

Six unspectacular quirks(aku sebenarnye xberapa sure what the quest means but wtv la kn. haha):

1) Aku susah betul nak study unless kawan2 aku ada kat sebelah aku and teman aku. Serious.

2) Kemas rumah? Harapan je la. Once in a lifetime la. haha

3) Am a fat human. Meet me in person, then you'll know.

4) I usually bathe for only once a day, but once i started to bathe, it's hard for me to stop. Strange

5) Blur, always.

6) Lastly, i don't give a damn to strangers unless they're pretty. hehe

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I'm gonna write in BM and BI because i'm not good in writing full english. Poyo je lebih.
Aku poyo gila ni sbb aku tgh discover blog ni lg. So lend me a hand would ya? Haha. Bongok.
Excited gila aku sebab baru buat blog. Hehe. I'm totally going to write rubbish, seriously.
Don't bother about my opening blog. I'm new. Nanti lama2 aku pandai lah.

On your mart.., get set.., FUCK HIM!!!

Hey. I'm new. So guide me. X).

P/s; Seriously, i'm not good in writing.

that's it. bubbye. heee